Monday, October 17, 2011

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Does anyone want to keep my kids for a few days?

OK so I am only half serious.
I have been at my parent's farm for a week now with the kids. We are in the transitional stage of moving to Florida. Josh is already there and working hard and playing hard and enjoying the life of a bachelor again for a little while. Not a bachelor like you see in movies, just a man not tied down by bed times and not awoken by kids eager for his attention.
I am in a struggle because my kids are out of their routine, we are in yet another new place, and dad/husband is away.
That's enough of that...
In church yesterday (My parent's church) we had a guest speaker who spoke mostly about missions but really challenged the grandparents in the congregation. I had never really heard a speaker have his biggest charge be to the "old folks". He challenged the grandparents to not only be willing to release their children and grandchildren into the work of the Lord but to bless them as they go. He comes from a background where his mother and father were missionaries, his father's parents blessed their ministry but his mother's father never did. He spoke of the burden his mom carried of her dad not blessing her ministry of 37 years. 37 YEARS of struggle knowing you are doing the work of your capital "F" Father and your earthly dad not being on board with it. As females (and probably males but since I am not one I don't know) we long for not only the approval but the blessing of our parents. We don't just want to hear "it's OK, go ahead." we want prayers, support, verbal and non verbal affirmation. As the speaker gave a charge to the grandparents in the room he closed with asking the grandparents willing to bless their grandchildren if and when doing the Lords work to stand up. My heart swelled with joy as my parents both stood to their feet. They will strive to be enablers instead of roadblocks for their grand kids (all 10 of them as of now) to further the kingdom of God. I'm not going to lie... at that moment I felt more affirmation than I probably ever have from my parents over the work we are doing as a family and even as a woman in choosing the man I am married to. One non-verbal stance (pun intended) encouraged my heart to keep doing what we are doing. My folks not understand some of the things we have chosen to do because it doesn't make a whole lot of logical sense, to us or them, but we are confident knowing that we have been walking by faith and taking steps of obedience toward an unknown goal. That's tough stuff. Just recently God has been allowing us to see more of the picture and where the little things really were part of the big picture process.
As a mom I pray regularly for the salvation of my children and I teach them obedience not only to me but to God and His word. Josh and I have named our kids after families that imitate Christ and have also followed in obedience when it wasn't the easy or the socially acceptable thing to do.
Our daughter, Bailey, was named after David and Kandi Bailey. We met them and their 5 kids while serving at Blanton Baptist Church in Dade City Florida. The Bailey's are a blessed family and even when life is tough, their hearts are pure and their attitudes exude joy. They are also a giving family. They give even when it hurts. Even when the world would say "Hang on to that! Cherish it and don't let it slip away!" They freely and gladly give. They are great stewards of what God has intrusted them with. This is what we want for our kids!
Frazier's name comes from Andy and Kim Frazier. When we met them, Andy was a youth pastor at Dade City Christian Church and it was awesome to find another young couple in the ministry, especially in a town with not many "young people". We were set up on a blind date type thing. Kim was pregnant with her first child Hannah. They were great mentors for us and a great example of a Godly marriage. They were just a step ahead of us being married 3 years prior to us and we got to walk along side of them as they birthed babies and grew in ministry and parenthood. We gleaned wisdom from thier successes and mistakes. Andy and Kim serve well in whatever capacity they are working. They are hard working and faithful, they also have generous hearts. Andy is tech saavy and Kim is frugal, both are fun! Our type of people. This is what we want for our kids.
We will encourage our children to listen to their Father and be obedient, even if it goes against what we have "planned" for them. We also know that their grandparents will encourage them the same way. Praise God.
Now let's see how this shows up not only when they are serving the Lord but in the preparing them to do so.
May we also encourage or spur one another on towards excellence, pointing all glory to Him.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

B words

Brenda, Bailey, Balogh, baths, beautiful blue eyes, beans, and B*tch!?!?! Oh dear!
So my name is Brenda, that makes sense right.... great, glad we are on the same page.
I am watching sesame street with Bailey so I got the idea of a "letter themed blog". The letter of the day on the street is "M" not "B". I digress.
Just some interesting and honest stories from my life lately.
One of Bailey's new favorite things is to stand on the hearth of the fireplace (is it really called the hearth? now that I've written it it all seems wrong. So, the floor in front of the fireplace that is different from the wood floor in front of it) Ok so Bailey likes to stand there in the corner and she says "Mom, may you please say 'introducing'?" She asks this A LOT and not every time is it so polite. Some times it's "MOM SAY INTRODUCING!" What she means by this is really, "I WUNNA DANCE!" so I, in my very best announcer voice, say "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, for your entertainment pleasure tonight we have the beautiful, blond hair, blue eyed, BAILEY BALOGH!!!!" and some times it's just "Introduuuuuucing Baileeeeeeeeeeey Baaaaaaaalogh!" Then she dances. Sometimes sings. Always bows. Then it begins again.
As her mother I am proud of her lack of stage fright, her persistence and her passion but on the other hand, I worry about things like "where did she learn THAT dance move?" and "will this ever end?" all the while savoring the sweet memories of my narcissistic daughter hogging all of the attention in the world. Can't I have some? Ha!
Beans, I really like them, black ones are my favorite right now. Or were, last week. That's until I did an unplanned and unwelcomed science experiment with them. You see, I was making a big ole pot o' beans the other day and I had to leave the house before they were all they way done but nonetheless I turned them off, and left the house. When I returned I completely forgot to turn them back on and then I went to bed. Upon entering the kitchen to prep breakfast I saw the cauldron on the stove and my heart sank. WASTED BEANS! But I debated whether or not they would still be OK, I mean, they had a lid on them. I hesitated and it got put off again so there the pot sat. Then the next day, yes DAY, I decided that I would dump the beans but didn't want to think about the best way to dispose of this massive weeks supply of beans, so I sat the pot in the unused side of the sink. Here is where it all goes bad, real bad... it started as a way to get the beans off the stove out of the way and then it became let's just say, gross, and foamy and bubbley and hairy and and STINKY! The end. Well last note, Josh cleaned it out with out me asking. He just knew I would be loudly dry heaving and crying as I dumped the disgust somewhere, he saved me from myself. Amen.
Ok so if that wasn't candid enough, letting you in on how filthy I can be at times, here's another story. Bailey cusses. You may have read about it on Twitter already and there I blammed Paige Langford. I mean it could be her fault but I doubt it. To be honest, I have no clue where Bailey learned the "B WORD" that she likes to frequently use. It's been a great learning experience for me as a mom. It all started in Kohls when she just yelled out "B*tch!" and then again and again! The first 3 times she said it I was still in toddler's mom trying to figure out what the kid is trying to say mode and then it clicked, she's just cussing! I didn't freak out and I didn't make a big deal out of it I just asked her to say something else or to describe what it was she was really trying to get across. Nothing. Just more "b words", less loudly. At this time I see teenagers ducking down behind a clothing rack, laughing their guts out. OK, she stopped, we moved on. Whew! Well, a few days pass and I hear her say it again, I tell her I know she isn't meaning to be rude or nasty but that word is inappropriate and it is usually used when talking about people and we use positive words regarding people not negative ones. Etc. etc. Here are the high lights. The funnier uses that are extremely uncalled for, some seeming to be in context the others just weird.
Bailey grabbed her finger and exclaimed "B___! My finger hurts"
While at Cabela's shooting the guns at the game range thing "B___, I'll shoot you tiger!"
is she a gangster?
After having a great long discussion about the word and her having consequences from using it, she remembers that Jesus is always a good topic and a great word to use! She is looking in the mirror at JC Penny, talking to herself and the word comes out, she looks at me, caught, and quickly tries to cover with "Jesus, Jesus, God and Jesus." This 2 year old is KILLING ME!
Then, daddy comes home from work and she tattles on herself for how that particular day went. Sadly, with remorse and embarrassment, she says "Yeah, I'm not going to say b____ anymore." I laughed in hands cupped over my face.
I died inside.
I'm being dramatic of course about the dying part, I know this is just the beginning of ajourney as the mom of an outgoing, strong willed child that speaks.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Today, One Day at a Time

I'm blogging today. Will I tomorrow? Heck, I don't know! Life is unpredictable. (That's the understatement of my year!)
This summer so far has been the most unique experience of my life. All areas have been interesting and new but the craziest has been our living situations... we moved out of our Apt. April 30th and house sat for a week then went of vacation for a week. When we returned "home" we were invited by the Kimmels to live with them. They waiting up for us as we drove from Florida to Texas, just to greet us and make us feel welcome. I was unsure which room we would stay in at their house, fully expecting to be cramming all 4 of us into one room, all sleeping on the floor for a while and Frazier in his pack'n'play. We were blessed and surprised by all of the things the Kimmels did to make us feel welcome. Hospitality at it's greatest. We were put up in 2 different rooms, and Andrew BUILT A BED for the guest room in 2 days so it would be ready when we arrived. It was awesome. To keep this short I'm going to skip a lot of details and share little. I enjoyed being in the Kimmels home, feeling like I lived in a neighborhood, cooking in Susan's great kitchen sharing meals and recipes, having a great back yard for Bailey to run around in and TV with a DVR was a cool plus as well.
We left the Kimmels after a month of being there and now we are at the Quiros' house. It's a large house with lots of rooms, a beautiful kitchen and a SWIMMING POOL! (with a baby safe screen around it) The Quiros' are in Costa Rica and have allowed us to be here and make ourselves at home. Ellen has a fabulous kitchen and an old school pro kitchenaid mixer I've been playing with. I have never before felt as accepted into someone else's life/home/family as well as I have here. Ellen loves our children and they love her. Ellen works very hard and long hours but has come home several times to a loud house with a non related family in it, sometimes not so picked up or clean and smiles and chats with me and holds the baby while I get something done. She's saved my sanity a few times over. I have grown to love her dearly.
What's next? Not so sure. We have been praying for months and living day by day in God's grace, praying for his direction and his provision. We have a lead on another place to stay temporarily but the details have not quite been nailed down yet.
Through the craziest times and the hardest parts, my husband is still great! Our marriage is strong and fun, and we are growing closer everyday. Our kids are healthy and strong and smart and bless us daily.

Bailey's quote of the day. Written exactly like she said it... "Mom bretend you are sweeping in a hotel. How are you?"
I say "I'm fine thank you ma'am"
Right in my face. scared me! we didn't get much further than that. I was to frightened to order any of her room service.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Checking this out... Blogging by text. Kids napping, me chasing dreams. Or is this a wild goose?

Friday, January 21, 2011


Annnd I'm baaaaack! Just kidding, this is Josh hijacking Brenda's blog. I've been patiently awaiting a new blog from Bren cause I think she does a great job and always makes me laugh or giggle. So...if anyone else would like to hear from her again after a long break then pester her everyday like I have been. Together, Yes we Can! haha

Sunday, July 11, 2010

And I'm baaack!

After a much need Hiatus from blogging I am back. (kidding) I just forget to show up here sometimes. I get so enthralled in reading others personal stories I forget to come share my own story. Another reason, I hate my computer so I rarely get on it at all, I stick to the ole iphone, and it's not super condusive to blogging for me.

Ok so the news, I am 20 weeks and 3 days pregnant with a little boy. His name is Frazier Lee Balogh. We are all very excited about this new member of our family and it's very fun to watch Bailey realizing that she is going to be a big sister. She however can't pronounce Frazier well so it comes out "shaver". Bailey loves to kiss my belly and say "mor-win shaver" translated, "morning Frazier"
Bailey is 20 months old and a total joy to be around. She is spunky and funny and full of energy. She has some Sass and is girly girl. Her very favorite things to do are talk on the "phone" I put phone is quotes b/c she will use anything from a marker to a cracker wrapper, to her hand as a communication device. She LOVES to read and will do so for over an hour a day. She also loves music and dancing. Her new love in the last 2 weeks is swimming and she will willingly put her own head underwater over and over and over.
Bailey is extremely good at recognizing people and remembering their names.
Ok that's the update for now, I am going to try to keep these shorter and and more frequent. Love yall!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who knew Big Rats Were Fun?

Josh, Bailey and I went with some friends to Chuckie Cheese and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a blast (I DID!) Bailey enjoyed the place but hated Chuckie, David enjoyed both, and us adults (if you can call us that) enjoyed it all, including the pizza!
Here are a few pics of the evening.